E-mode/Normally-off operation
The power semiconductor market demands devices that show normally-off operation, which means that there is no current conduction when the transistor’s gate is set at 0V.
The natural form of GaN HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors) is normally-on or so-called depletion mode (d-mode), which requires special drivers or to be placed in a cascode package solutions to realize normally-off operation.
Innoscience’s GaN HEMTs are intrinsically normally-off or so-called enhancement mode (e-mode) devices. The normally-off operation is realized by growing a p-GaN layer on top of the AlGaN barrier, deposition and patterning of a gate metal and then selective recessing the p-GaN layer over the AlGaN barrier.
The gate metal layer forms a (Schottky) contact with the p-GaN layer, and, as a consequence, the potential in the channel at the equilibrium is lifted-up therefore realizing normally-off/e-mode operation.